
The Ignatian Spirituality Project (ISP) began in 1999 in Chicago when Fr. Bill Creed, SJ was asked to make the Spiritual Exercises of St. Ignatius available to people with experiences of homelessness. Today, ISP is an international network with retreat programs in 30 cities in the United...

Fr. Scott Lewis, SJ's address to our Graduating Students during Convocation on November 24, 2018. Scott Lewis, SJ is the Vice President & Dean of Regis College as well as an Associate Professor, New Testament. "Considering the steady flow of fearful and depressing images and stories...

This year's Annual Alumni General Meeting proved to be a great success, with the number of Alumni attendees doubling from previous years. The AGM is an opportunity for Regis alumni/ae to gather together and discuss the alumni activities over the past year, as well as...

Coming this January: Regis College is pleased to announce the approval of a long-awaited, conjoint Certificate in Theological Studies with the University of Toronto. This certificate provides university graduates with a general university-level foundation in Christian studies. Full-time students enrolled in this certificate program will...

Wednesday, October 3 marked the beginning of the 2018 Synod of Bishops on Youth, Faith and Vocational Discernment, the 15th Ordinary General Assembly. Pope Francis called the theme of this synod with the purpose of better accompanying our youth as they encounter God and participate...