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  • We would like to inform you that the main-floor elevator, which provides access to the classrooms, lockers, and library, is currently out of service for essential maintenance. Our team is diligently working to complete the repairs and restore functio...

  • Published in Regis Friends Quarterly, September 2024 edition (3.1). Science is big and it does big stuff. It built the nuclear bomb, mapped the human genome and sends ships into space. It got us out of COVID. It tells us where we came from and...

  • On the surface, it would seem that Deacon João Francisco Haetinger SJ really didn’t need Regis College. The 37-year-old hails from the Jesuit province of Brazil, 400 men strong with a 500-year history that includes the founding of Rio de Janeiro and ...

  • The woman who teaches the Regis course on priesthood and the Regis course on the “Foundations of Mission and Ministry” of course isn’t a Jesuit. But neither is she from one of the women’s religious communities founded on Ignatian principles and spiri...

Regis St. Michael’s Federation Updates

Dr. Jaroslav Skira, a seasoned academic with extensive administrative experience, has been appointed inaugural Dean of the new Regis St. Michael’s Faculty of Theology.

Dr. Skira, whose research interests and expertise include modern Eastern Christian theology, Catholic and Eastern Orthodox ecumenical relations and the Second Vatican Council, has been appointed for a five-year term. He assumes his duties on July 1, 2022, when the federation is formally launched. Click here for more details.

For details about the Regis St. Michael’s Federation CLICK HERE.

Regis college logoWe call for a renewed, enthusiastic, and generous investment in Regis College, the Jesuit School of theology in Canada, a school facing outwards, and eager to serve others.

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Home - Regis College
Home - Regis College

“Regis College aims to form women and men for ministry and service in the Church and society. Through the charism and traditions of the Society of Jesus, Regis draws on the insights of the Spiritual Exercises of St. Ignatius of Loyola in forming scholars and critical thinkers grounded in academic rigour who pursue truth, practice justice, and live out their faith in integrity.” (From Regis College Strategic Plan, 2018-23).

Upcoming Events

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Click on the poster to register online!

If you require a physical registration form, please click here: https://regiscollege.ca/wp-content/uploads/2024/03/WOT-Music-and-Christian-Spirituality-Registration-Form.pdf

For more information regarding this and other Windows on Theology courses, please visit: https://regiscollege.ca/academics/windows-on-theology/

Click on the poster to register online!

If you require a physical registration form, please click here: https://regiscollege.ca/wp-content/uploads/2024/05/Windows-on-Theology-Understanding-Sacred-Spaces-Print-Version-3-1-1.pdf

For more information about this and other Windows on Theology courses, please visit: https://regiscollege.ca/academics/windows-on-theology/

Click on the poster to register online!

If you require a physical copy of the registration form, please visit: https://regiscollege.ca/wp-content/uploads/2024/06/Science-Climate-Change-and-Theology-A-Dialogue-Print-2.pdf

For more information about this and other Windows on Theology courses, please visit: https://regiscollege.ca/academics/windows-on-theology/

Click on the poster to register online!

If you require a physical copy of the registration form, please visit: https://regiscollege.ca/wp-content/uploads/2024/09/Registration-Form-Tea-Time-Theology-Onwards-and-Upwards-The-Synodal-Process-Beyond-October-2024-Gill-Goulding-CJ.pdf

For more information about this and other Windows on Theology courses, please visit: https://regiscollege.ca/academics/windows-on-theology/