
The Certificate in Theological Studies (Post-Baccalaureate), conjointly awarded by Regis College and the University of Toronto, provides university graduates with a general university-level foundation in Christian studies. It may provide academic background for those interested in making applications to masters degrees. The conjoint Certificate can be earned through coursework alone and is intended to be flexible and accessible to students in full-time employment.




Program Outline 

The Conjoint Certificate in Theological Studies (Post-Baccalaureate), one-year, seven-credit courses in Christian studies, can be taken on a full-time or part-time basis. The certificate must be completed within four academic years of first registration. Full-time students (taking five 0.5 FCE courses a semester) will be able to complete all requirements within two semesters. Students are required to take a minimum of 1 course (0.5 FCE) each Fall and Winter semester, and be registered in consecutive academic years until completion, with the exception of approved Leaves of Absence. All students are required to maintain an electronic portfolio that documents their progress through their programs. Students in the certificate program are not permitted to take graduate-level (TST 5000s and 6000-level courses).

Specific Requirements

This Certificate program requires seven courses (7 X 0.5 FCE) in Christian studies. 


Five (5) foundational (1000-level) courses from among the historic sub-disciplines of theological studies as indicated below:


    • Old Testament/Hebrew Scriptures
    • New Testament
    • Theology (systematic theology, historical theology, dogmatic theology)
    • History of Christianity
    • Another area of Theological Studies (such as theological ethics, philosophy of religion, comparative theology, apologetics, pastoral or practical theology, spirituality, linguistics, etc.). This additional foundational course will be decided by the student in consultation with an academic adviser, on the basis of his or her prospective area of masters studies, and special academic interest. Two additional courses will be taken (with TST course codes numbered in the 2000s and 3000s), in order that students can achieve degree-level expectations in depth of knowledge.
    • Where students enter with some previous coursework in theological or religious studies, their academic adviser may waive a requirement in favour of a substitute course. Students in the certificate program are not permitted to take graduate-level courses (numbered in the 5000s and 6000s).




Additional Information
  • The conjoint Certificate can be earned through coursework alone.
  • The conjoint Certificate does not require full-time residency. It is intended to be flexible and accessible to students in full-time employment.
  • It does not require field placements, as it is not a professional certification
  • It does not require comprehensive or summative exams, since it is designed not as a program but as studies that will help qualify the student for entry into a program
  • It does not require extracurricular commitments.
  • It does not have formative expectations

Successful completion requires a passing grade of B- or better in each of 7 course units, and an overall course average of B-.


Admission Requirements

Applicants must have a bachelor’s degree from a recognized university, college, or Indigenous Institute with a CGPA of 2.7. Normally this should be a Bachelor of Arts degree with a concentration in a field of the humanities or social sciences. Where applicants have a different post-secondary background, TST may require them to begin their conjoint Certificate with courses that will build their skills of research, critical thinking, and expository writing.

Application Materials

Application materials common to all certificate programs, basic degrees, and ecclesiastical degrees (see Admissions Process), plus/and more specifically:


  • Academic transcripts
  • Statement of purpose
  • Contact information for two (2) referees