Regis College
This course employs the completion of preparatory reading prior to each class, regular mandatory bulletin board discussion, written assignments, on-line quizzes, final take home examination.
Preparation for First Class
Please read the following two selections (bulletin board questions are not required for the first class, see the Unit One Schedule of Readings and Assignments for guiding questions):
Berger, Benjamin. “Introduction” in Law’s Religion: Religious Difference and the Claims of Constitutionalism.
Toronto: University of Toronto Press, 2015, pp. 3-21. Regis STL. Scan available on course website.
Casanova, José. “The Secular, Secularizations, Secularism” in Rethinking Secularism, eds. Craig Calhoun et al.
Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2011, pp. 31-53. Regis STL. Scan available on course website.
A detailed course schedule is available for download.
Week 1
Reflecting on Post-Secular Religious Narratives
Week 2
Sixteenth Century Spiritual Narratives: Rhetorical Reading – The Autobiography of Ignatius of Loyola
Week 3
Sixteenth Century Spiritual Narratives: Structuralist Reading – The Life of Teresa of Avila
Week 4
Contemporary Indigenous and Christian Narratives
Week 5
Mediation in History (Lonergan and Ronald Niezen)
Week 6
Meaning (Lonergan and Charles Taylor)
Week 7
Religion / Conversion (Lonergan and Hans Urs von Balthasar)
Week 8
Foundations / Hermeneutics (Lonergan and Paul Ricoeur)
Week 9
Revelation and Tradition
Week 10
Doctrine and Development
Week 11
Faith and Reason
Week 12
Dialectic of Authority