To qualify for entry to the DipSD, applicants must:
If you are not already a student in the MA in MS or MDiv program at Regis College, find out more about how to apply for these Basic Degree programs:
Admissions Process
Completion of all program requirements for either the MA in MS or the MDiv, plus:
Phase I: Ten units of study concurrent with either the MA in MS or the MDiv, including
Phase II: A final, integrative theological reflection paper and competency interview
NB: Courses transferred upon admission into either the MA in MS or the MDiv may be counted towards the concurrent units.
Integration with the MDiv Program
Students enrolled in the MDiv program should expect to take normally 32 units to complete the requirements of both the MDiv and the DipSD.
With permission of the Basic Degree Programs Director, MDiv students completing the Ignatian core within the MDiv may substitute
and may apply the DipSD Supervised Pastoral Component (including RGP3269H) for RGF3010H Theological Field Placement.
DipSD Application FormDipSD Self Evaluation Form and Statement of IntentDipSD Reference Letter Template
Complete application packages should be submitted by e-mail to