
Faculty and Staff

On this page you will find profiles and information about the Faculty & Staff at Regis College. The Teaching Faculty & Administrative Staff at Regis College are dedicated to supporting our mission.
  • Teaching Faculty
  • Administration
  • Faculty Publications 2020-2024

Tenured Faculty


Gordon Rixon, SJ

President, Regis College
Associate Professor, Systematic Theology

Room 314; ext. 225



Jerry Skira - Regis College

Jaroslav Z. Skira

Inaugural Dean, Regis-St. Michael’s Faculty of Theology
Associate Professor of Historical Theology

Room 112; ext. 250



John Berkman

John R.T. Berkman

Professor, Moral Theology

Room 221; ext. 256


Desmond Buhagar S.J. - Regis College

Desmond Buhagar, SJ

Assistant Professor of Psychotherapy and Spiritual Care Education

Room 201; ext. 243


John Dadosky

John Dadosky

Professor of Theology and Philosophy

Room 205; ext. 262


Sr. Gill Goulding

Gill Goulding, CJ

Professor of Systematic Theology 

Room 303; ext. 253



Gerard J. Ryan, SJ

Scarboro Missions Chair in Inter-religious Dialogue
Director, Msgr. John Fraser Centre for Practical Theology

Director, Basic Degree Programs
Assistant Professor of Political Theology

Room 216; ext. 260



Michael Stoeber - Regis College

Michael Stoeber

Professor, Spirituality

On leave

Room 316; ext. 255



Susan K. Wood, SCL

Professor, Systematic Theology

Room 318; ext. 273


Sessional Faculty

Jonathan Bernier

Assistant Professor

Room 211; ext. 240


Michael Knox, SJ

Rector of the Regis Jesuit Community, Lecturer

Room 320; ext. 267

Geoffrey (Monty) Williams, S.J.

Geoffrey (Monty) Williams, SJ

Adjunct Professor, Ignatian Spirituality

Room 204; ext. 251



Gordon Rixon - Regis College

Gordon Rixon, SJ

President, Regis College
Associate Professor, Systematic Theology

Room 314; ext. 225



Jerry Skira - Regis College

Jaroslav Z. Skira

Inaugural Dean, Regis-St. Michael’s Faculty of Theology
Associate Professor of Historical Theology

Room 112; ext. 250



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Scott Vaincourt

Senior Financial Officer
Room 319; ext. 230

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Teresa Helik

Director of the Office of the President | Chief Librarian

Room 311; ext. 231 | Room 022; ext. 235



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Elaine Chu


Room 114; ext. 226


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Paul Babic

Projects Officer in the Office of the President

Room 312; ext. 229

Updated October 10, 2024

Regis College Faculty Publications: 2020–2024


Berkman, John

Articles and chapters in books

“In the Beginning: The Primordial Character of the Problem of Suicide in David Novak’s Scholarship.”  In The Achievement of David Novak: A Catholic-Jewish Dialogue, edited by Matthew Levering and Tom Angier, 90-114. Eugene, OR: Wipf and Stock: 2021.

St. Thomas Aquinas on Impairment, Natural Goods, and Human Flourishing,” with Robyn Boere, National Catholic Bioethics Quarterly, 20:2 (Summer 2020).


Bernier, Jonathan

Articles and chapters in books

“Re-Visioning Social Values in the Emergence of Ancient Israel.” Method: Journal of Lonergan Studies, New Series 10, no. 2 (2019): 1–20. (published in May 2021)


Rethinking the Dates of the New Testament: The Evidence for Early Composition. Grand Rapids, MI: Baker, 2022.


Buhagar, Desmond


“‘Traumatized and Traumatizing: understanding Clerical Abuse through the Lens of Bowenian Systemic Family Therapy.” Integratus: Journal of Catholic Psychotherapy. 2(1).  (2024): 37-63. https://doi.org/10.1521/intg.2024.2.1.37 

“The Attachment Mapping Protocol (AMP): An Assessment and Treatment Tool for General Psychotherapy, Systemic Family Therapy and Multifaith Spiritual Care.” Journal of Religion and Health, vol. 62 (2023): 4112-57.

“The Virtue of Religious Faith and its Relationship to Posttraumatic Stress Disorder in Victims of Torture: the Unique Outcomes of Men and Women.” Mental Health, Religion, and Culture, vol. 25, no. 10 (2022): 991-1011.

“The Forgiveness Interview Protocol: A Narrative Therapy Writing-Process Model for the Treatment of Moral Injury.” Journal of Religion and Health 60, no. 5 (2021): 3100–3129.



Dadosky, John

Articles and chapters in books

“The Relationship between Theology and Canon Law: Insights from Örsy and Lonergan.” Studia Canonica: A Canadian Canon Law Review, vol. 57 (2023): 245-61.

“Family and Friendship: The Implicit Ecclesiologies ad extra in Pope Francis’ Fratelli Tutti and the legacy of Vatican II’s Dual Theologies of Church.” Gregorianum 103, no. 3 (June 2022): 519-537.

“God is Interreligious: Honouring the Legacy of Ovey Mohammed, SJ.” Toronto Journal of Theology 38 no. 1 (Spring 2022): 101-112.

“Mediation, Culture, and Religion: Approaching Lonergan’s Method in Theology.” Lonergan Review (Seton Hall University), Jun 2020.

“Searching for Wisdom: Towards a Systematic Integration of Sophiology into Theology.” Philosophy and Theology 32, no. 1 (2020): 3-25.

Book reviews

Merton and Indigenous Wisdom. Edited by Peter Savastano, Merton Annual 33 (2020): 267–690.

Crucified Wisdom: Theological Reflections on Christ and the Bodhisattva. Comparative Theology/Thinking Across Traditions series. By S. Mark Heim, Horizons 47/1 (2020): 168–69.


The Wisdom of Order: An Exploration of Lonergan’s Method in Theology (University of Toronto Press, 2024).


Goulding, Gill

Articles and chapters in books

“Interconnectedness: The Thread that Enables a Theological and Synodal Response to Abuse.” In Doing Theology and Theological Ethics in the Face of the Abuse Crisis, edited by Daniel Fleming, James Keenan, SJ, and Hans Zollner, SJ, part of the Journal of Moral Theology CTEWC Book Series, 296-311, https://doi.org/10.55476/001c.72073.

“Mediazione e autorità: l’esercizio dell’autorità spirituale (Mediation and Authority: The Exercise of Spiritual Authority.” In Autorità e mediazione: le relazioni asimmetriche nella Chiesa (Authority and mediation: Asymmetrical relations in the Church). Rome: Pontifical University of the Holy Cross, 2023.

“Towards a Theological and Synodal Response to the Abuse Crisis.” New Blackfriars 102, no. 1097 (Jan 2021): 96–107.

“Trinity Communion and Otherness.” Ad vitam: The Webzine of Consecrated Life in Canada, Winter 2020, 4–6.

“Adrienne von Speyr – Woman of  Reconciliation.” In Adrienne von Speyr: Una donna nel cuore del Ventesimo secolo, a cura di Jacques Servais, 79-90. Rome: Cantagalli EU Press, 2020.


Pope Francis and Mercy: A Dynamic Hermeneutic. Indiana: University of Notre Dame Press, 2023.


Rixon, Gordon

Articles and chapters in books

“History Illumined by Discernment.” In Intellect, Affect, and God: The Trinity, History, and the Life of Grace: Essays in Honor of Robert M. Doran, S.J., edited by Joseph Ogbonnaya and Gerard Whelan, 262-273. Milwaukee, WI: Marquette University Press, 2021.

Breathing through Cascading Ecologies: The Gift of Hope,” Toronto Journal of Theology 36, no. 1 (2020): 44–53.

Artificial Intelligence as a Theological Challenge,” Toronto Journal of Theology 36, no. 1 (2020): 78–80.

Book reviews

Louis Roy. The Three Dynamisms of Faith, Searching for Meaning, Fulfillment and Truth, Science et Esprit 73, no. 1–2 (2021): 293–296.

Bronwen McShea. Apostles of Empire: The Jesuits and New France, Toronto Journal of Theology 36, no. 1 (2020): 104–105.


Ryan, Gerard


“Narrative as Catalyst for Recognition: Cultivating Peaceful Coexistence through Embracing Cultural Diversity and Adaptability, Canada,” presented at the 14th International Conference on Religion and Spirituality in Society, Madrid, May 2024.

“Fostering Community Cohesion: The Role of Recognition in Religious Discourse-The Loyola Supreme Court Case, Canada” at the European Academy of Religion, Palermo, Scilly, May 2024.

“Ecological Accompaniment: From Connectivity to Closeness in an Age of Loneliness.” In Issues in Science and Theology: Global Sustainability, edited by Michael Fuller, Mark Harris, Joanna Leidenhag, and Anne Runehov, 149-59. Cham, Switzerland: Springer, 2023.


Mutual Accompaniment as Faith-filled Living: Recognition of the Vulnerable Other. New York: Palgrave, 2022.


Skira, Jerry

Articles and chapters in books

“Patriarch Kirill, the ‘Russian World’ Myth and Genocide.” Public Orthodoxy. Orthodox Christian Studies Center of Fordham University. March 15, 2022. https://publicorthodoxy.org/2022/03/15/patriarch-kirill-russian-world-genocide [Trans. in Ukrainian, Greek, Romanian, Russian, Serbian].

“Les Églises et la guerre en Ukraine.” Revue Relations. May 2022. https://cjf.qc.ca/revue-relations.

“The Ukrainian Churches and Migration in Canada: Re-Imagining History and the Present.” In The Church, Migration and Global (In)Difference, edited by Darren J. Dias, Jaroslav Z. Skira, Michael S. Attridge & Gerard Mannion, 393-415. Pathways for Ecumenical and Interreligious Dialogue. Palgrave Macmillan, 2021.

“Fostering Dialogue and Promoting the Reception of Vatican II Among Ukrainian-Canadians.” In Metropolitan Maxim Hermaniuk, Vatican II and the Ukrainian Greco-Catholic Church, edited by Jaroslav Z. Skira & Peter De Mey, 189-210. Eastern Christian Studies 31. Leuven: Peeters Publishers, 2020.

Translation from French: Gilles Routhier, “Maxim Hermaniuk: A Promoter of Episcopal Collegiality at Vatican II.” Co-translated with D. Dias. In Metropolitan Maxim Hermaniuk, Vatican II and the Ukrainian Greco-Catholic Church, edited by Jaroslav Z. Skira & Peter De Mey, 79-97. Eastern Christian Studies 31. Leuven: Peeters Publishers, 2020.

Translation from Ukrainian: Met. Maxim Hermaniuk, CCsR. “A Commentary on the Decree on the Eastern Christian Churches.” In Metropolitan Maxim Hermaniuk, Vatican II and the Ukrainian Greco-Catholic Church, edited by Jaroslav Z. Skira & Peter De Mey, 211-221. Eastern Christian Studies 31. Leuven: Peeters Publishers, 2020.

Translation from Ukrainian: Atanasij H. Velykyj and Rodion R. Holovac’kyj, “The Participation of Ukrainians in the Second Vatican Council (1959 – 1965).” In Metropolitan Maxim Hermaniuk, Vatican II and the Ukrainian Greco-Catholic Church, edited by Jaroslav Z. Skira & Peter De Mey, 223-235. Eastern Christian Studies 31. Leuven: Peeters Publishers, 2020.


The Church, Migration and Global (In)Difference. Pathways for Ecumenical and Interreligious Dialogue. Edited by Darren J. Dias, Jaroslav Z. Skira, Michael S. Attridge & Gerard Mannion. Palgrave Macmillan, 2021. 418pp.

Metropolitan Maxim Hermaniuk, Vatican II and the Ukrainian Greco-Catholic Church. Edited by Jaroslav Z. Skira & Peter De Mey (with “Foreword”). Eastern Christian Studies 31. Leuven: Peeters Publishers, 2020.


Stoeber, Michael

Articles and chapters in books

Forward to Soul-Making by Grace: Purgatory’s Past, Present, and Future by Matthew Hendzel SJ (Pickwick Publications, Wipf and Stock Publishers, 2024).

“Sacred Groves or Profitable Commodities? Exploring Dispositions Toward Our Environment in Interreligious Dialogue,” in Connecting Ecologies: Integrating Responses to the Global Challenge (Routledge, 2024).

“Kuṇḍalinī Yoga in the Spirituality of Swami Vivekananda and in Modern Yoga Typologies.” In Vivekananda: His Life, Legacy, and Liberative Ethics, edited by Rita Sharma, 29-44. Lanham, MD: Rowman & Littlefield’s Lexington Press, 2021.

“Christianity: Classical, Modern and Postmodern Forms of Contemplation,” with JaeGil Lee, in Routledge Handbook of Yoga and Meditation Studies, edited by Karen O-Brien-Kop and Suzanne Newcombe, 241-254. New York: Routledge, 2021.

“Indigenous and Roman Catholic Canonizations of Nicholas Black Elk: Postcolonial Issues and Implications of Black Elk Speaks.” Theological Studies 81, no. 3 (2020): 605–630.


Wood, Susan

Articles and chapters in books

“The Liturgy and Sacraments” in The Wiley Blackwell Companion to Catholicism, 2nd edition (Wiley Blackwell, 2024).

“Reception of Baptized Christians into the Full Communion of the Catholic Church: A Historical, Theological, and Liturgical Commentary,” in A Pastoral and Theological Commentary on the Order of Christian Initiation of Adults (Liturgy Training Publications, 2024).

“Francis’s Church Reform Focused on the Proclamation of Mercy: The Ignatian Influence.” Studies in the Spirituality of Jesuits, vol. 55, no. 3 (Autumn 2023): 1-45.

“The Prophetic Ministry to the Word.” In Priestly Ministry and the People of God: Hopes and Horizons, edited by Richard R. Gaillardetz, Thomas H. Groome, and Richard Lenan, 177-184. New York: Orbis Press, 2022.

“Editorial: Fresh Challenges and Possibilities in Lutheran-Roman Catholic Ecumenical Relations.” Ecclesiology 17, no. 3 (2021): 318-314.

“Assessing Artificial Intelligence,” Toronto Journal of Theology 36, no. 1 (2020): 87–89.

“Questioning Authority Examined through the Lens of Receptive Ecumenism” Anglican Theological Review 102, no. 4 (2020): 607–614.

“Baptism.” In Oxford Handbook of Ecumenical Studies, edited by Paul McPartlan. Oxford University Press, published online Mar 2017; hard copy, 2020.

“Eucharistic Sacrifice in Ecumenical Dialogue,” in Ecclesia semper reformanda: Renewal and Reform Beyond Polemics, edited by P. De Mey and W. François, 237-252. Series: Bibliotheca Ephemeridum Theologicarum Lovaniensium, 306. Leuven: Peeters, 2020.