
John Berkman

John R. T. Berkman

B.A., M.A., S.T.L., Ph.D.

Professor, Moral Theology

Room 221; ext. 256

Teaching Level: Basic Degree, GCTS Full (Regular Faculty)
Specializations: Moral Theology

John Berkman obtained a BA in philosophy at the University of Toronto, and completed his PhD in the Graduate Program in Religion at Duke University. Before joining the Regis College Faculty in 2009, he taught at the Dominican School of Theology and Philosophy and at the Graduate Theological Union in Berkeley, CA and in the School of Theology and Religious Studies at The Catholic University of America in Washington, DC. He has also been a Visiting Professor at the Duke Divinity School and the Duke Institute on Care at the End of Life.

  • Research Interests and Expertise

    • Medical Ethics
    • Fundamental Moral Theology
    • Thomistic Ethics
    • Environmental/Animal Ethics.

  • Courses

    • RGT3654H Healthcare Ethics in the Catholic Tradition
    • RGT3951H The Theological Virtues
    • RGT3961H Ethical Issues at the End of Life
    • RGT5975H Thomistic Moral Theologies
    • RGT6654H Healthcare Ethics in the Catholic Tradition
    • RGT6951H The Theological Virtues
    • RGT6961H Ethical Issues at the End of Life

  • Selected publications

    Books Edited


    • The Pinckaers Reader (with Craig Titus-Brianti) Washington, Catholic University Press, 2005.
    • The Hauerwas Reader (with Michael Cartwright) Durham, Duke University Press, 2001.


    Articles in Books


    • “Ethical & Religious Directives for a Catholic Embryo Adoption Agency: A Thought Experiment,” The Ethics of Embryo Adoption and the Catholic Tradition, eds. S. V. Brakman and D. F. Weaver, Springer, 2008.
    • “Medically Assisted Nutrition and Hydration in Medicine and Moral Theology: A Contextualization of its Past and a Direction for its Future,” Medicine, Health Care, and Ethics: Catholic Voices, ed. John F. Morris, Catholic University of America Press, 2007.
    • “Virtuous Parenting and Orphaned Embryos,” Human Embryo Adoption: Biotechnology, Marriage, and the Right to Life, ed. Edward Furton and Thomas Berg, National Catholic Bioethics Center Press, 2006, 13–35.
    • “Introduction,” The Pinckaers Reader, ed. John Berkman and Craig Steven Titus, Catholic University of America Press, Washington, DC, 2005, xi–xxiii.
    • “Being Reconciled to God and One Another,” The Blackwell Companion to Christian Ethics, Oxford: Blackwell Publishers, 2004. (see refereed journal articles section)
    • “Introduction,” The Hauerwas Reader, ed. John Berkman and Michael Cartwright, Duke University Press, Durham, 2001, 3-15.
    • “The Children of the Poor as Saving Remnant: John A. Ryan, Family Size, and the Common Good,”Religion and Public Life: The Legacy of Monsignor John A. Ryan, ed. Robert G. Kennedy et al., Lanham, MD: University Press of America, 2001, 299-312.
    • “Ask Miss Netiquette …. A Case for Virtue Ethics”, with Frances Grodzinsky, in Computer Ethics: Philosophical Enquiry, ed. Jeroen van den Hoven, ACM/SIGCAS, Rotterdam, 1998, 160-168.
    • “Capital Punishment,” with Stanley Hauerwas, The Dictionary of Theology and Society, ed. Paul Clarke and Andrew Linzey, Routledge, London, 1996, 100-105.
    • “Violence,” with Stanley Hauerwas, The Dictionary of Theology and Society, ed. Paul Clarke and Andrew Linzey, Routledge, London, 1996.


    Journal Articles


    • “Medically Assisted Nutrition and Hydration in Medicine and Moral Theology: A Contextualization of its Past and a Direction for its Future,” The Thomist 68:1, January 2004, 69-104.
    • “Eucharistic Reconciliation: Penitence, Punishment, and Worship,” The Journal for Peace and Justice Studies, 14:2 (Fall 2004). Reprinted as “Being Reconciled to God and One Another,” The Blackwell Companion to Christian Ethics, Oxford: Blackwell Publishers, 2004.
    • “The Consumption of Animals and the Catholic Tradition,” Logos: A Journal of Catholic Thought and Culture, 7:1, Winter 2004, 174-190. Reprinted in Food for Thought: The Debate over Eating Meat, ed. Stephen Sapontzis, New York: Prometheus Press, 2004.
    • “Surrogacy? Rescue? Adoption? Gestating the Embryos of Others and Catholic Morality,” National Catholic Bioethics Quarterly, 3:2 (Summer 2003), 309-329.
    • “Adopting Embryos in America: A Case Study and an Ethical Analysis,” The Scottish Journal of Theology, 55:4 (2002), 438-460.
    • “The Morality of Adopting Frozen Embryos in Light of Donum vitae,” Studia Moralia XXXX/1, June 2002, 1 – 27.
    • “Has the Message of Evangelium Vitae Been Missed? An Analysis and Future Direction for Catholic Biomedical Ethics,” The Thomist 63:3, July 1999, 461-480.
    • “Prophetically Pro-Life: John Paul II’s Gospel of Life and Evangelical Concern for Animals,” Josephinum Journal of Theology 6: 1, Winter/Spring 1999, 43-59.
    • “How Important is the Doctrine of Double Effect? Contextualizing the Controversy,” Christian Bioethics3:2, 1997, 89-114.
    • “Absolutely Fabulous and Civil: Milbank’s Post-Critical Augustinianism,” with Frederick Bauerschmidt,Theology and Philosophy 9: 3&4 , 1996, 435-446.
    • “Truth and Martyrdom: The Structure of Discipleship in Veritatis Splendor,” New Blackfriars, November 1994, 533 – 541. Reprinted in The Sacred Heart University Review, XIV: 2, Spring 1994, 64-72.
    • “The Chief End of All Flesh,” with Stanley Hauerwas, Theology Today XLIX: 2, July 1992., 196 – 208; Reprinted as “A Trinitarian Theology of the ‘Chief End’ of ‘All Flesh'”, in Good News For Animals?, ed. Jay McDaniel and Charles Pinches, Orbis, New York, 1992 62 – 74. Also reprinted in Stanley Hauerwas,In Good Company, UNDP, South Bend, 1996. http://theologytoday.ptsem.edu/jul1992/v49-2-article5.htm


  • Currently Teaching