23 Nov ANNOUNCEMENT: In-person liturgies CANCELLED
In-person liturgies CANCELLED until further notice...
In-person liturgies CANCELLED until further notice...
Read the joint statement by Regis President Fr. Thomas Worcester, SJ, and Dr. David Sylvester, President and Vice-Chancellor of the University of St. Michael’s College, on the establishment of a Steering Committee to oversee the formulation of an alliance between our two institutions....
Regis College will continue to deliver courses via remote learning (i.e. online synchronous) during the Winter academic term, beginning January 2021....
The closest pick up location to Regis College is the John M. Kelly Library security desk (University of St. Michael's College), located at 113 St. Joseph Street. Please note that students must provide their UTORid to obtain their allotted masks....
Learn more about the Diploma in Spiritual Direction at Regis College, available to students in the MA in MS and M.Div programs...
While our physical site at Regis remains closed, we are pleased to announce that curbside pickup and scan and send services for Regis Library materials will begin July 2nd. Read on for further details on how to request and obtain items....
Regis is committed to providing access to classes and extra-curricular responsibilities that allow students to make progress with their degrees and to engage with their fellow student and college communities in this exceptional time of pandemic and its aftermath. Please note that Regis Fall 2020 classes...
During this difficult summer, please consider making a gift to Regis College. Your donation ensures our academic programs remain accessible, and supports students in need....