29 Jun Thank you, Professor Wood!
Professor Susan Wood, SCL will step down from her role as Academic Dean of Regis College at the end of June....
Professor Susan Wood, SCL will step down from her role as Academic Dean of Regis College at the end of June....
Gordon Rixon, SJ has been named President Designate of Regis College, subject to confirmation by the Congregation for Catholic Education of the Vatican...
Dr. Jaroslav Skira, a seasoned academic with extensive administrative experience, has been appointed inaugural Dean of the new Regis-St. Michael’s Faculty of Theology...
Father Thomas Worcester, SJ, will complete his term as President of Regis College on 30 June...
2022 recipients of TST Board of Trustees scholarships, awards and bursaries....
Regis College joins together with the institutional members of the Association of Catholic Colleges and Universities in Canada on the occasion of Pope Francis’s apology...
Regis College Prof. Jaroslav Skira, and Fellow of the Sheptytsky Institute at the University of St. Michael's College, publishes an essay on Ukraine, its churches and the Russian war...
Dr. Scott shared a fascinating presentation on his Bee Lab in Toronto...
The Association of Catholic Colleges and Universities in Canada (ACCUC) is both dismayed and horrified to learn of the unprovoked invasion of Ukraine by Russia ...
Erica's article "'Sagehood' in Confucianism and the 'Universal Call to Holiness' in Roman Catholicism" has been published in the academic journal "Studies in Interreligious Dialogue"...