Here you will find a list of courses that have been, or are currently offered at Regis College. If you are looking for a current list with course descriptions please go to our Course Listings page.
RGT1101H Foundations of Theology
RGT1905H Ethical Reflections on Pastoral Practice
RGT2222H God One and Triune
RGT2243H The Person and Work of Jesus the Christ
RGT2321H Creation, Man/Woman, Sin
RGT2341H Eschatology
RGT2701H Philosophy of Religion
RGT2711H Introduction to Early Modern European Philosophy
RGT2726H Revolutions in 19th-Century European Thought
RGT2731H Theology and Film
RGT2751H Introduction to Early Modern Philosophy
RGT2810H Pastoral Competency
RGT2891H Injustices in Canada Today
RGT2911H Catholic Bioethics
RGT2943H Social Faith, Eco-Justice and Beauty: Religion and Reconciliation After a Secular Age
RGT2951H The Silver Tsunami: Ethical-Theological Reflections on Aging
RGT3115H Vatican II: The Theology and Historical Context of the Documents
RGT3220H Prophetic Voices from Carmel
RGT3222H God, One and Triune
RGT3223H Trinity
RGT3235H Redemption and the Redeemer
RGT3243H Christology
RGT3320H Doing Justice with Spirit
RGT3322H Contemplation In Action
RGT3323H Culture, Nature and Spirituality
RGT3333H Transformative Dynamics of Grace
RGT3336H Grace & Globalization
RGT3345H Laudato Si: Foundatins for Integrating Spirituality
RGT3351H Eco-Theology, Faith and Practice
RGT3352H Theology of the Spiritual Exercises
RGT3402H Public Church, Public Theology
RGT3404H Communion Ecclesiology
RGT3410H Ecclesiology
RGT3436H Sacramental Theology
RGT3437H Sacramental Theology
RGT3507H The Ignatian Theology of Religious Life
RGT3530H Thought of Bernard Lonergan
RGT3550H Aquinas on the Passion
RGT3551H Aquinas: Summa Contra Gentiles
RGT3552H Aquinas on the Spiritual Life
RGT3553H Aquinas on the Incarnation
RGT3559H Aquinas Studium
RGT3563H Eastern Christian Doctrines
RGT3570Y Lonergan’s Insight
RGT3571H Lonergan’s Method in Theology
RGT3581H Hans Urs von Balthasar
RGT3601H Faith and Culture
RGT3603H Salvation and Nirvana: Comparative Themes in Christianity and Buddhism
RGT3631H The New Evangelization Imperative
RGT3654H Healthcare Ethics in the Catholic Tradition
RGT3655H Ethics, Animals and Christian Theology
RGT3656H The Authority of Those Who Suffer: Christian Theology After the Holocaust
RGT3657H War in the Christian Tradition
RGT3682H Mission and Dialogue
RGT3702H Questions of Justice: Personal, Communal, Religious Foundations
RGT3720H Language, Culture and Religious Belief
RGT3705H Lonergan’s Philosophy for Theology
RGT3706H Ignatian Contribution to Contemporary Ecclesiology
RGT3712H Theology as Biography
RGT3728H Philosophy and Theology of Beauty
RGT3745H Issues in the Philosophy of Religion and The Brothers Karamazov
RGT3753H Wittgenstein for Theology
RGT3790Y MTS Synthesis Paper
RGT3809H Doing Theology in the Canadian Context
RGT3840H Political Discernment
RGT3863H Christianity & World Religions
RGT3851H Hans Urs von Balthasar
RGT3864H Eastern Religions & Western Thought
RGT3936H Issues in Catholic Bioethics: End-of-Life Care
RGT3937H Justice and Health Care: A Catholic Perspective
RGT3951H The Theological Virtues
RGT3952H Ethical Issues at the End of Life
RGT3961H The Theological Virtues
RGT3991H Questions in Sexual Ethics
RGT5223H Lonergan’s Trinity
RGT5224H Theology and Holiness in the Work of Hans Urs von Balthasar
RGT5239H Holy Intimacy: Kenosis
RGT5320H Theology of the Spiritual Exercises
RGT5351H Barth on the Doctrine of Creation
RGT5552H Aquinas on the Spiritual Life
RGT5556H Seminar: Understanding Aquinas on His Own Terms
RGT5558H Seminar: Aquinas on the Gospel of John
RGT5578H Lonergan’s Method in Theology
RGT5601H Faith and Culture
RGT5621H Theological Ethics Doctoral Seminar
RGT5682H The Apostles’ Creed: Roman Catholic and Reformed Theologies in Conversation
RGT5728H Philosophy & Theology of Beauty
RGT5729H Theology and Spirituality of Dorothee Soelle
RGT5920H Ignatian Mysticism in the World: Reconciliation and Transitional Justice after a Secular Age
RGT5975H Thomistic Moral Theologies
RGT5981H Ethics and Spirituality
RGT5982H The Theological Ethics of Stanley Hauerwas
RGT6220H Prophetic Voices from Carmel
RGT6222H God, One and Triune
RGT6235H Redemption and the Redeemer
RGT6243H Christology
RGT6256H Spirituality and Sexuality
RGT6320H Doing Justice with Spirit
RGT6322H Contemplation In Action
RGT6323H Culture, Nature and Spirituality
RGT6333H Transformative Dynamics of Grace
RGT6336H Grace and Globalization
RGT6345H Laudato Si: Foundatins for Integrating Spirituality
RGT6352H Theology of the Spiritual Exercises
RGT6404H Communion Ecclesiology
RGT6410H Ecclesiology
RGT6507H The Ignatian Theology of Religious Life
RGT6530H Thought of Bernard Lonergan
RGT6551H Aquinas: Summa Contra Gentiles
RGT6552H Aquinas on the Spiritual Life
RGT6553H Aquinas on the Incarnation
RGT6563H Eastern Christian Doctrines
RGT6570Y Lonergan’s Insight
RGT6581H Hans Urs von Balthasar
RGT6601H Faith and Culture
RGT6603H Salvation and Nirvana: Comparative Themes in Christianity and Buddhism
RGT6631H The New Evangelization Imperative
RGT6654H Healthcare Ethics in the Catholic Tradition
RGT6655H Ethics, Animals and Christian Theology
RGT6656H The Authority of Those Who Suffer: Christian Theology After the Holocaust
RGT6657H War in the Christian Tradition
RGT6682H Mission and Dialogue
RGT6702H Questions of Justice: Personal, communal, Religious Foundations
RGT6705H Lonergan’s Philosophy for Theology>
RGT6706H Ignatian Contribution to Contemporary Ecclesiology
RGT6712H Theology as Biography
RGT6728H Philosophy and Theology of Beauty
RGT6745H Issues in the Philosophy of Religion and The Brothers Karamazov
RGT6753H Wittgenstein for Theology
RGT6809H Doing Theology in the Canadian Context
RGT6840H Political Discernment
RGT6851H Hans Urs von Balthasar
RGT6863H Christianity & World Religions
RGT6864H Eastern Religions & Western Thought
RGT6951H The Theological Virtues
RGT6952H Ethical Issues at the End of Life
RGT6961H The Theological Virtues
RGT6991H Questions in Sexual Ethics
TXT5590H Two Swiss Radicals – Karl Barth and Hans Urs von Balthasar
RGB1005H Introduction to Old Testament
RGB1501H An Introduction to the New Testament
RGB2210H The Call to Prophecy
RGB2263H Psalms
RGB2665H Gospel of Luke
RGB2671H Gospel of John
RGB2708H Letters of Paul
RGB3114H Genesis
RGB3261H The Song of Songs
RGB3279H Wisdom Tradition & Job
RGB3351H Covenant & Deuteronomy
RGB3371H Questions of Life and Death in Wisdom Literature
RGB3501H Religion, Gods and Society in the Augustan Age
RGB3713H Themes in Paul
RGB3735H Corinthian Correspondence
RGB3805H The Bible and Violence
RGB3811H Religious Experience in the Ancient Mediterranean
RGB3821H Spirituality and Christian Life in the New Testament
RGB3902H Interpreting the Bible in the Early Church: First Four Centuries
RGB5201H Isaiah
RGB5263H Hebrew Psalter
RGB5274H Wisdom of Solomon
RGB5351H Deuteronomy & Covenant
RGB5521Y New Testament Methodology
RGB5673H Acts of the Apostles
RGB5681H Issues in Johannine Scholarship
RGB5821H Pauline Eschatology
RGB6114H Genesis
RGB6279H Wisdom Tradition & Job
RGB6351H Covenant & Deuteronomy
RGB6371H Questions of Life and Death in Wisdom Literature
RGB6501H Religion, Gods and Society in the Augustan Age
RGB6713H Themes in Paul
RGB6735H Corinthian Correspondence
RGB6805H The Bible and Violence
RGB6811H Religious Experience in the Ancient Mediterranean
RGB6821H Spirituality and Christian Life in the New Testament
RGB6902H Interpreting the Bible in the Early Church: First Four Centuries
RGH1010H History of Christianity (to AD 843)
RGH2473H Roman Catholic Church in Canada
RGH3157H Trinity to 1054AD
RGH3430H History of Eastern Christianity
RGH3755H Eastern Christian Icons
RGH6157H Trinity to 1054AD
RGH6430H History of Eastern Christianity
RGH6755H Eastern Christian Icons