
Contemplation in Action

Course Code: RGT3322HS 


John Costello, S.J.


Winter 2020
Thursday 9:00 – 11:00




Regis College

Course Description

Ignatius of Loyola wanted Jesuits to be “contemplatives in action”. This describes the desire of many Christians today and the imperatives thrust upon us to be at once boned with God and with our fellow travellers. Reading in Loyola Zizioulas, J Macmurray, early Christian and contemporary theologians and mystics. NT accounts of prayer and action in Jesus of Nazareth.

Course Objectives

  • To explore and develop a theology of contemplation as a constitutive dimension of genuine action in the world: [What is the relationship of contemplation and action? Can they flourish at once in our relationship with God, persons, culture and the wider world?].
  • To grow in our appreciation of the place of contemplation in “life in the spirit” and Christian action in the world.
  • To deepen this “felt understanding” of contemplation in action through the writings and living of people who can fairly be described as “contemplatives in action.”

Course Schedule

A detailed course schedule is available for download.

Week 1


Week 2

What Does Living Spiritually Mean?

Week 3

Towards an Integrated/Integrating View of Reason

Week 4

Towards an Integrated/Integrating View of Persons

Week 5

Persons in Communion: The Heart of Religious Action

Week 6

Jesus: Compassion and Spirit in Christian Contemplation

Week 7

False Self, True Self: Thomas Merton. Part I

Week 8

False Self, True Self: Thomas Merton. Part II

Week 9

The Ignatian Tradition I: The Primacy of Love

Week 10

The Ignatian Tradition II: Participation and Discernment

Week 11

Socially Structured Values: Discerning and Acting

Week 12

Marking the Journey To and In the Reign of God