
Transformative Dynamics of Grace

Course Code: RGT3333HS


Gordon Rixon, S.J.


Winter 2020
Thursday 14:00 – 16:00




Regis College

Course Description

Explores the transformative dynamics of grace in Scripture, representative early theologians, early doctrinal development, medieval theology and the Reformation period. Participants develop a contemporary systematic approach, especially with respect to ecumenical and interfaith issues. Draws on the thought of Bernard Lonergan.

Course Objectives

Written assignments are varied in order to help participants to identity and refine their approach to the different tasks involved in doing theology and progress toward a final synthetic case study. 3000 Level: assigned readings, online bulletin board postings, lectures, two quizzes, two short papers and a synthetic case study. 6000 Level: assigned readings, online bulletin board postings, lectures, book review, research bibliography, seminar, research paper. The 6000 level seminars will be scheduled in up to two additional sessions.

Course Schedule

A detailed course schedule is available for download.

Week 1

Introduction and the Tanac

Week 2

Paul and Temporal Metaphors

Week 3

John and Spatial Metaphors

Week 4

Gregory of Nyssa – Life of Moses

Week 5

Augustine – Confessions

Week 6

Controversy – Grace and Freedom

Week 7

Aquinas on Scripture

Week 8

Foundations / Hermeneutics (Lonergan and Paul Ricoeur)

Week 9

Aquinas and Theological Synthesis

Week 10

Luther / Trent

Week 11

Beauty, Justice and Grace

Week 12

The Autonomous Agency of Indigenous Peoples: Recognition and Social