
Lenten Thoughts for Friends of Regis College (Week Six)

Sixth Sunday of Lent – Passion Sunday

passion“Though innocent, Christ suffered willingly for sinners and accepted unjust condemnation to save the guilty.  His Death has washed away our sins, and his Resurrection has purchased our justification.”  Passion Sunday Preface

To the Samaritan woman Jesus offered the gift of faith. To the man born blind He gave the light of truth, and to Lazarus, new life.  Each gift was freely given through God’s compassionate love, but the cost was borne by Jesus on the Cross.  At Christ’s birth we sang “O magnum mysterium”, God made one with us.  At His Death and Resurrection we enter further into this great mystery, a sharing in His life.

“God’s original decision to send the Son, taken by all three Divine Persons is a decision to make divine love a part of human history in a new and unprecedented way.”  (Gilles Mongeau, SJ in Called to pray, 2012, eds., Gilles Mongeau, SJ & Brett Salkeld.)

Please join Regis in prayer this Lent.  This is a generous gift with and for Regis’ ministry.

Joe Schner - Regis College

Joseph Schner, S.J., A.B.; M.A.; M.Div.; S.T.L.; Ph.D.
Interim President, Regis College
Professor, Psychology & Psychology of Religion
Room 313; ext. 222