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Catherine Wright PhD 2015
President, Regis College Alumni/ae Association


Catherine Wright is an interdisciplinary Christian ecotheologian working at Wingate University (North Carolina) in the Religion and Philosophy Department.


Regis shaped my own professional academic career and teaching vocation. The holistic approach to my doctorate allowed me to live what I was learning – something that I have taken into my own teaching practice. Much of my doctorate work was translated into my book, Creation, God and Humanity: Exploring the Mystery of Suffering within the Sacred Cosmos (2017). With the independence and support I experienced at Regis, I felt prepared to undertake the building of a sustainability program/center that reflects our Wingate motto: Faith; Knowledge; Service.


Most of all, Regis helped me find my voice, creativity, and courage and I will always be grateful.


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Our academic community depends largely on tuition, government grants and Jesuit resources to continue the high standards of Jesuit theological education. In a world thirsty for spiritual support, Regis is a beacon of light. Your gifts to the college will be put to work immediately to support today’s students.