
Advent Thought for Friends of Regis College by Joseph Schner, S.J. (Fourth Week)

Fourth Week of Advent

adventIt is hard to imagine an infant surviving without a family.  Mother and father feed, keep warm, wash and keep an infant safe.  This was Mary`s and Joseph`s task with the baby Jesus lying in a manger, a scene that has graced thousands of images over the centuries.  Behind the beauty of this scene, however, lies a profound and saving mystery.  The Word of God has truly become one with humankind.  The Son of God has emptied himself out so totally that he shivers, and cries and reaches out to a mother and foster father, to shepherds and their bleating sheep, and to wisemen and their strange camels.  O Magnum Mysterium!  Venite adoremus!

“We stand much like they did, unaware of the full magnitude of what quietly takes place in a manger in a not too distant land.”  Ernest Holland in Called to Pray edited by Gilles Mongeau, SJ & Brett Salkeld)