B.A.; M.A.; M.Div.; Ph.D.
Room 204; ext. 251
Teaching Level: Basic Degree, GCTS Associate (Adjunct Faculty)
Specializations: Spiritual Theology
Department: Cross-listed to Theological and Pastoral Theology
Fr. Williams, SJ is known to all as simply “Monty”. His background and interest in spirituality and culture come across in the classes that he presents at Regis College.
They are:
His work in spirituality and direction started in his formation as a Jesuit in the early seventies. In the summers he can usually be found giving retreats and workshops throughout Europe, Australia, Asia and North America. His work included teaching workshops, retreat and spiritual direction, and facilitation in discernment.
May 3: Public lecture in Kuala Lumpur on Forgiveness sponsored by Maranatha Retreat House, Malaysia.
May 17: Public lecture on Forgiveness sponsored by Kingsmead Pastoral Centre in Singapore.
May 13, 15-17, 21-24: Retreat/Workshops at Kingsmead Pastoral Centre on Ignatian Spirituality.
May 28-31,4- 7,11-14, 19-21: Retreat/Workshops at Maranatha Retreat Centre, Malaysia.
July 1-10: Retreat for Chinese Jesuit Province in Taiwan.
July 12: Public lecture on The Ongoing Dynamics of Forgiveness based on the Ignatian Exercises at the Fu Jen Catholic University.
July 31-August 9: Director at the English and French Canadian Jesuit Province Retreat at Villa St-Martin, Montreal.
2014: Major Presenter at the International Conference on Ignatian Spirituality in Hong Kong, November 2014 on The Dynamics of Discernment in The Spiritual Exercises of St. Ignatius. http://xavier.ignatian.net/html/ic2014/, also at the conference led three workshops on 1. Models of Spiritual Directors, 2. Paradigms of Spiritual Direction 3.The Dynamics of Grace in theSecond Week of the Spiritual Exercises of St.Ignatius
2006: presented the Regis College Fall Film and Spirituality Series. The presentations used by many institutions aroud the world can be found at www.fgitd.ca
1985: giving retreats, workshops, presentations, spiritual direction to ecumenical institutions in North America, Eastern Europe, Australia and New Zealand, Malaysia, Singapore and Hong Kong.