An event every week that begins at 6:00 pm on Wednesday, repeating until February 19, 2020
Throughout history, architecture has played a major role in giving tangible, meaningful expression to a particular culture’s beliefs, values, hopes, and aspirations. Arguably, this is most profoundly expressed in the sacred spaces that we build. Join architect Roberto Chiotti in exploring how the style of Christian architecture evolved in response to major external influences, andthe changing ways we understand our relationship to God and Creation. Participants will also learn to understand their own places of worship and how they either support or detract from evoking a sense of the sacred, the liturgy, and sacramental life of the parish.
An ecumenical consortium affiliated with the University of Toronto
United Church of Canada
The Presbyterian Church in Canada
Roman Catholic: Diocesan
Roman Catholic: Basilian
Anglican Church of Canada
Anglican Church of Canada: Evangelical
University of Toronto