
Doing Justice with Spirit

Course Code: RGT3320HF



Fall 2019
Thursday 9:00 – 11:00 




Regis College

Course Description

Doing Justice with Spirit is a course that seeks to examine the deep connections between ‘God so loved the world’ (Jn. 3)  and our human search to love the world creatively and concretely in justice and affection. Theological foundations for understanding this bond of the divine and the human are examined through authors such as John Macmurray, Michael and Kenneth Himes, Charles Hay and Richard McCormick SJ.


Living this call in spirituality and action is opened up in conversation with the work of Pope Francis, Mary Jo Leddy, Gustavo Gutierrez and Gregory Baum.  The key questions in the course focus on (1) Christian identity and action in the world, (2) forming theological perspectives in Christian faith, hoping and loving that are experienced as call to live and serve community—among persons and  within Creation as a whole. (3) The practical  and theoretical come together in knowing our human nature actively realizing itself within our relationship with God, and knowing this is necessarily tied to our care and work with God for beauty, just relations, peace and a healthy environment.

Course Objectives

To Follow

Course Schedule

Week 1

Week 2

Week 3

Week 4

Week 5

Week 6

Week 7

Week 8

Week 9

Week 10

Week 11

Week 12